The best Phuket romantic restaurants make full use of the fact that eating Thai cuisine is generally a social experience. As with Indian and Chinese meals, the best way to enjoy this unique and enticing food is to order a selection of dishes to share and have a little bit of everything. It is also,…
Five Famous Thai Dishes
Food is one of the important factors that influence holiday satisfaction. When visiting a country, it is important to try the different food they have to offer to ensure a complete holiday experience. If you have a plan to visit Thailand, be sure to try these world-renowned dishes in your dining. The following are the…
Where to Find the Best Phuket Street Foods
Your stay in Phuket will not be complete if you do not grab a taste of affordable yet delicious Phuket street foods. Phuket street foods are known to include seafood, fried chicken, noodles and many more. Phuket street food is the tastiest and definitely the most affordable way of experiencing Thai cuisine. The affordability and…
Top 5 Famous Phuket Must-Try Foods before You Leave
Phuket is undeniably a destination for amazing culinary treat. The beautiful island is famous for spicy, unique and great tasting menus. Seafood lovers will also rejoice and feel like they have arrived in such a great paradise since large prawns, rock lobsters, fresh fishes, crabs and more are abundantly available in Phuket. Thai pork is…